Monthly meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month, March through December @ 7:00 PM at our History Center. We usually have a speaker, speaking on topics of historic interests as well as social events.
Museum and library are open every 2nd Sunday of the Month, year round - 1 PM to 4 PM. You are welcome to simply look around at our displayes or spend your time doing research in our library. It's free to visit, but donations are always welcomed.
Mailing Adress:
P.O. Box 302
Codorus, PA 17311
Physical Address:
48 Baltimore Street
Spring Grove, PA 17362
We share a building with the Borough of Jefferson Offices. We are located in the Borough of Jefferson and our Post Office is Codorus. But online mapping programs do not recognize Jefferson or Codorus as a location.
Become a part of our family.
Membership is:
January thru December
Individual $20 per year
Mailed B&W newsletter
Discount $15 per year
E-mail color newsletter
With your membership you will recieve 6 newsletters per year (bi-monthly). Each newsletter has some wonderful history of our area. Plus, with your membership you help support the important task of collecting and preserving our local history along with the museum for the present and future generations.
If interested, want to donate or
learn more contact us at CodorusValleyAHS@gmail.com